Tender chickpea stew with a little help from Koita almond milk, a pressure cooker, and a fourteenth-century Catalonian cookbook.

Disclosure: I was sent a case of Koita Foods almond milk and almond-coconut milk to sample and review, and all opinions are my own.  One of my favorite bits from any episode of Nigella Lawson’s many cooking shows is when she takes a moment to stand in front of her wall-to-wall bookcase teeming with cookbooks….

03.13.11: dinner (a.k.a. empanada-gate 2011)

I must admit I have been avoiding writing about this particular dinner. However, I am a firm believer in resolving problems via confrontation, and thus, it’s time to start avoiding the issues and begin the healing. Drama aside, I do think that one of the most challenging aspects to cooking is planning and timing (I…

02.27.11: dinner (beef and oxtail bourguignonne)

[Editor’s Note: Michael is filing this while at a conference in California, so he deserves a few props.] Over Christmas,  I made a point of requesting a large number of cookbooks in the name of expanding my culinary repertoire boldly into the realm French cookery. One of my first attempts was an as yet unpublished, seemingly straightforward…