05.26.13: dinner (lobster soup with “shredded” spaghetti, or spaghetti tagliuzzati con zuppa di aragosta)

Lobster and pasta: it sounds so simple, doesn’t it? And doesn’t it sound like the epitome of the springtime or summer meal, something to enjoy after a nice day at the beach, perhaps served with a refreshing beer or glass of white wine? Oh, were it so simple. The truth of the matter is that…

Tales from the Fairway cheese counter: El Cantú.

Vicky buried herself in work at the library. She put foolish ideas out of her head and concentrated on her thesis, but she found her thoughts frequently returning to Oviedo. Narrator, Vicky Cristina Barcelona One of the songs on the Vicky Cristina Barcelona soundtrack that  never fails to grab me when I’m in a contemplative mood…

Tales from the Fairway cheese counter: queso romao and garrotxa

When we shopped at Fairway Harlem every week, the trips I’d make to the cheese counter were pretty seldom, because it required navigating past the deli and around the bloc of shopping carts that belonged to the people waiting at the deli. I’d usually stick to the self-serve cheese area with the goal of getting…

Images from New York, retailer-sponsored block party edition.

If it wasn’t already obvious in my last post, both Michael and I really like Fairway. I’ve been meaning to do a Shopping in New York piece on the store, but I feel like it would be too trivial and unable to capture the spirit of the store in a few hundred words. A series…