Oysters with a cava, shallot, lemon and basil vinaigrette and an introduction to The Sustainable Seafood Blog Project.

Bluepoint oysters with cava, shallot, lemon, and basil vinaigrette with pa amb tomàquet (bread with tomato).

I’m pleased to announce that The Manhattan [food] Project has become a blogging partner of The Sustainable Seafood Blog Project, and as such you’ll start seeing more content around sustainably-sourced seafood and ways to enjoy it at home. Both Michael and I do what we can to buy as much sustainable seafood as we can and during the week we stick with tried-and-true favorites like trout, skipjack tuna, striped bass, and Pacific cod, while on weekends we may also indulge in some bivalve action. Since our move we’ve also been eating quite a bit of local rockfish and though it is a bit of a strange fish to get used to from a cooking perspective, it’s extremely delicious.

The mission of the Project is to band together bloggers who want to help promote the message of sustainability when it comes to seafood, and moreover inform and encourage consumers to be asking for more sustainably-sourced seafood at their local stores. The market is an extremely confusing one, because it isn’t so simple as buying certain fish and avoiding others; sustainable fishing practices are also scrutinized to ensure that the surrounding aquaculture is disturbed as little as possible. Monterrey Bay’s Seafood Watch is an exhaustive source on identifying the best fish choices out there, while Greenpeace publishes an annual scorecard listing the best and worst retailers to buy seafood across the country. The latter has wrought some serious changes over the years regarding what consumers have available to them in-store; most notably, Trader Joe’s earned a ranking of 17th out of 20 chains evaluated back in 2008 while as of 2014 they have moved up to fourth on the list and have a “Good” rating.

A useful infographic from The Sustainable Seafood Blog Project illustrating why pushing for better, sustainable seafood is so important.

We’re fortunate to live near several retailers either on the Good or Passed list and we also have a great local market that stocks a nice variety smaller whole fish that are not only sound choices ecologically, but also typically quite reasonable in price. I had grand plans to include a recipe for one of these little guys with this post, but it still needs a bit of work. I was inspired by a tapa we had in Barcelona at the Bar Roca in the Hotel OMM: a small sardine deep-fried with lemon peel and a basil leaf. It was so delicate–easily the most aesthetically interesting bite of the whole vacation–but still extremely delicious due to the simple flavor combination, and I wanted to capture some of that magic with a pan-fried small fish. I have some ideas on how to bring it about, but in the meantime I went a slightly simpler route and made a shallot, lemon, and basil vinaigrette for some Bluepoint oysters because even Mondays require fresh seafood cocktails from time to time. The local produce stand had a pretty ripe tomato that was just begging to be rubbed on some bread, so I figured that would give the interlude a little more substance.

Bluepoint oysters with cava, shallot, lemon, and basil vinaigrette

Like any recipe that has you pickle shallots in vinegar, this benefits from the shallots sitting in the fridge for a few hours at least  and adding the lemon zest and the basil chiffonade right before serving to keep them from being overwhelmed by the vinegar, and then finishing it all off with some sea salt because oysters always benefit from a touch of sea salt. It’s sharp and flavorful without being too much of either, and I’m looking forward to honing my shucking skills as we head into more seasonably warm temperatures.

In fact, Dana over at I’ve Got Cake has a bourbon and oyster recipe I’m dying to try, and I actually will now that I don’t feel completely inept in shucking oysters.

In the meantime, please check out my fellow bloggers who have also joined this initiative as Project Partners:

Oysters with a Cava, Shallot, Lemon, and Basil Vinaigrette

makes enough for a dozen (or maybe even a baker’s dozen) oysters

  • 1 large shallot, minced finely
  • 3 tablespoons cava moscatell vinegar (sourced from Fairway Market and available online)
  • Zest of one lemon, preferably via a microplane
  • 12 basil leaves, chiffonade
  • 12 shucked oysters

In a small ramekin, combine shallots and vinegar, mix well, cover, and refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours if possible. Before shucking oysters, add basil, lemon zest, and sea salt and mix well to combine. Place oysters on a plate–use either crushed ice or rock salt to keep them upright–and add vinaigrette to each oyster. Serve immediately with white wine or cava and some bread rubbed with garlic and tomato, if desired.

15 Comments Add yours

  1. I’m a huge fan of Oysters cooked or raw . Your recipe looks so good. Usually I eat raw oysters with hot sauce and horseradish never had it like this before. I’ll have to try your recipe next time. Thank you for sharing! Kim @ This Ole Mom

    1. elizabeth says:

      Thanks Kim! If I don’t eat them just as-is, horseradish is another favorite topping, especially when I’m at the Grand Central Oyster Bar.

  2. Coley says:

    I loooove oysters and these look great! Mignonette is always my go-to raw oyster topping of choice, and I’m digging this fancy schmancy little twist you put on it. I’m happy to be a part of SSBP along with you and all the others 🙂

    1. elizabeth says:

      Thanks Coley! To be truthful I’ll usually just eat them as-is with no garnish required but sometimes you just need am elegant little garnish.

  3. Perry Wheeler says:

    Thanks for including the Greenpeace Carting Away the Oceans report here! We are releasing an updated report this summer. Additionally, you might be interested in this new consumer canned tuna guide we released last month. It found that 80% of the tuna on shelves fails to meet fundamental sustainability standards: http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/tunaguide/

    1. elizabeth says:

      Thanks for letting me know–I’ll definitely review and am looking forward to seeing what the latest Carting Away the Oceans report has to say.

  4. Dana Fashina says:

    I love this project, yay to sustainable seafood!!
    Too much energy?
    Alright, I’ll pull back a bit 🙂

    But I seriously love this initiative and those oysters make we wanna leave work right now!!
    Thank you for the shout out, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

    1. elizabeth says:

      No such thing as too much energy! 🙂 I’m really looking forward to making and trying all kinds of good things, especially now that it’s getting warmer and fish are light and cook quickly.

  5. This sounds awesome. The guy and I are eating less meat these days, and we’re trying to work in more fish to our diet. Doing the sustainable seafood thing is really important to us, especially living in a place where fishing is such a big part of the economy. There are killer oysters where we live, and I have high hopes of trying to shuck some this summer. We’ll see how that goes, but at least there’s all kinds of things I can top them with if I suck at shucking!

    1. elizabeth says:

      The key to shucking is getting a good towel to hold them steady and a strong glove so that you don’t accidentally stab yourself while trying to shuck them. It definitely takes practice but it’s SO worth it.

  6. Tracy says:

    Thames Street Oyster House in Fells Point always has a nice selection of local oysters. It can be a bit pricey but they are shucked cleanly. We had a nice selection there today from MD and RI.

    1. elizabeth says:

      Thames Street is on my list of places to check out, but every time we’ve been in that neighborhood recently we’ve been with friends who are not oyster enthusiasts so I’m hoping to go one of these upcoming weekends to finally see it in person. Food & Wine named it as one of the best in the country so I’ve had it long earmarked as a place to visit.

  7. My husband is a huge oyster fan. He would love these! I’m glad to check out your blog and partner with you on the SSBP.

    1. elizabeth says:

      Thanks for visiting! 🙂

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